Eduard Bigas was born in Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES). He lives and works in Berlin
2023: Galerie Kuchling "Berlin meets Taipei" Berlin. from 20 April to 25 May
2023: Fundació Josep Pla "Ressonancies Europees" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES) from 30 June
2023: Fundació Cuixart "Dialeg(s)" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES) from 9 to 30 September
2024: Fundació Lluis Coromina- Espai Isern Dalmau Barcelona.
2023: Fundació Josep Pla *Ressonàncies europees" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2023: Fundació Cuixart- Espai Cuixart- "Diàlegs" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2023: Fundació Vila Casas "Gods, Demons and the Sound of Water" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2023: Museu del Suro de Catalunya "Intersection" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2022 : Galerie Kuchling "Gods, Demons and the Sound of Water", Berlin
2020: Asir Art Museum, participation in Berlin Melting. Tainan, Taiwan.
2019: Galerie Kuchling "Time and the Others", Berlin
2019: MOM Art Space "Sequences #2 Hamburg", Hamburg
2017 : Galerie Kuchling "The best of all possible Worlds", Berlin
2014 : Galerie Kuchling "Der Geist der Orte", Berlin
2013 : Fundacio Vila Casas "La maquina de viure", Palafrugell Catalonia (ES)
2013 : Galerie Kuchling "Carving Metropolis", Berlin
2012 : Kunsthaus Meinblau "Limits of reason" , Berlin
2011 : Friedrichswerderscher Cemetery "Resurrection drawings", Berlin
2009 : Arteca "Times of Confusion" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2007 : The Brick Lane Gallery "Suspended calamities" London
2007 : Fundacio Cuixart, Barcelona, Catalonia (ES)
2006 : Sala d'Art Flocs, Begur, Catalonia (ES)
2006 : Da Vinci Art Gallery "London Series" Girona, Catalonia (ES)
2002 : Piece Unique Art Gallery, Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
1999 : Pedreguet Art Gallery "Personatges" Amer, Catalonia (ES)
1998 : Can Marc Art Gallery "Personatges" Girona,Catalonia (ES)
1996 : Sala D'Art Polemica "Pintura i Collage" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
1995 : La Ruina Art space, Palamos, Catalonia (ES)
1994 : Hotel LLevant "Pintures" LLafranc, Catalonia (ES)
1992 : Hotel LLevant "Dibuixos" LLafranc, Catalonia (ES)
1990 : Sala d'Art L' Artistica "Dibuixos" Girona, Catalonia (ES)
2020 : Galerie Kuchling "Fresh!...essays on Nature" Berlin
2017 : Galerie Kuchling "Vineta Pavillion Nr.1" Berlin
2017 : Galerie Kuchling "Vineta Pavillion Nr.1" Venice
2015 : Museu del Suro "L'Art solidari" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2013 : Kunsthaus Meinblau "Under the sun grass is Yellow" Berlin
2011 : Resident Artist group exhibition at Meinblau, Berlin
2011 : Gess Kunstmanagement " Kunst im Pool " Düsseldorf
2011 : Casa Elizalde " Formes d'Identitat " Barcelona
2007 : Nettie Horn Gallery " Beauhemia" London
2006 : The Brick Lane Gallery "Peace Camp" London
2006 : Fundacio Cuixart "Homenatge a Cuixart" Barcelona
2004 : Chelsea Art Society "57 exhibition" London
2004 : Carpe Diem Art Gallery "Surreal" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2003 : Gavin Graham Gallery, London
2003 : First group exhibition Pintors Nou Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2003 : Roman Black Gallery, London
1997 : Sala D'Art Polemica "Color Pla" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
1995 : Space Gallery "Un Tomb per L'Art " Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
1995 : Sala d'Art l'Estacio "Art per Bosnia" Girona, Catalonia (ES)
1995 : Museu del Suro "Art per Bosnia" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
1994 : LLuis Heras Art Gallery "Centenari Sagarra" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
1994 : Hotel LLevant "15 Anys de exposicions" Llafranc, Catalonia (ES)
1988 : Sala d'Art Emporda "Diades de Tardor" Palafrugell, Catalonia (ES)
2018: Positions Art Fair 2018. Galerie Kuchling, Berlin
2018: Affordable Art Fair. Galerie Kuchling, Amsterdam
2017 : Positions Berlin Art Fair, Berlin
2007 : AQUA Art Miami. Netti horn Gallery, USA
2006 : INART, Catalunya international Art Fair", Davinci Art Gallery,
Girona, Catalonia (ES)
2006 : DEARTE , Davinci Art Gallery, Madrid
2005 : INART, " Catalunya International Art Fair ", Davinci Art Gallery,
Girona (Spain)
2005 : The Islington Contemporany Art & Design Fair , London
2003 : Affordable Art Fair, Roman Black Gallery, London
Drawing project at Asir Art Museum during Berlin Melting art exhibition January 2020. Tainan, Taiwan
Drawing project in Tokyo, Summer 2018
Der Geist der Orte, Working residence in Bauhaus Denkmal Dessau und Bernau, 2014
Wiederauferstehungsprojekt, Resurrection Project,
at the Mausoleum Spinn, Friedrichswerderscher Friedhof (cemetery),
Autumn 2010, Berlin.
2001 - 2008 : Bonart Magazine, Catalonia (ES).
Culture and Art Magazine , - CONTINUARA - , " BIGAS , Devorant la Pintura", TV2 (Spanish Television) on Sunday 30 April 2006.
Catalogue GALERIE KUCHLING, Eduard Bigas ²Gods, Demons and the Sound of Water² 2022
Catalogue EDUARD BIGAS Drawings and Paintings 1995-2019. Text by Tom Pugh, art historian and novelist
Catalogue GALERIE KUCHLING. Eduard Bigas, 2017.
Catalogue NETTI HORN GALLERY Artists, 2007.
Catalogue INART (International Catalonia Art Fair) 2005-2006.
Catalogue FUNDACIO CUIXART, " Sentiment en Transit ",Homenatge a Cuixart, 2006.
Catalogue Lluis Heras Art Gallery "Homenatge Sagarra" 1994.
May 2007 : "Calamitats Londinenques de Bigas" M.Cuixart.
February 2007 : "Bigas , A les entranyes de la pintura".
April 2006 : "E. Bigas, Rauxa de taca surreal, seny de dibuix figuratiu".
June 2005 : "E. Bigas i els homenots de la Vila del Peix freixit" M.Cuixart.
November 2001 : "E. Bigas, L'home Dibuix" M.Cuixart.